Vincent Demongeot, Sports Podiatrist
With 20 years experience in sports podiatry with top-level athletes, he takes care of both adults and children, whether they are athletes or not.
Vincent Demongeot, Sports Podiatrist
With 20 years experience in sports podiatry with top-level athletes, he takes care of both adults and children, whether they are athletes or not.
The sports podiatrist is a health professional who is wholly integrated with the rest of the medical sport team (Doctor, Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Dietitian, Fitness Trainer and Coach).

Vincent Demongeot DE has been a certified podiatrist since 1999 and is officially registered on the “Ordre national des pédicures-podologues” (a national professional body for the regulation of the podiatrist profession). Being a specialist in sports podiatry, he holds a wealth of experience in the management of top-level athletes (tennis, running, rugby…). He takes care of both adults and children, whether they are athletes or not.
Vincent Demongeot offers to carry out your clinical examination as well as the design and manufacture of your orthopedic insoles (conventional or thermoformed plantar orthoses).
The clinical examination and the study of your posture last 30 minutes and are realized thanks to a barometric carpet (test on treadmill coupling dynamic analysis, baropodometry and video analysis).
After this careful examination he can, if necessary, make your own orthopedic insoles to compensate for any abnormalities detected (allow 15 minutes extra).

Sports Podiatrist

Podiatrist - Posturologist

Orthopedic Insoles
Book Now
You can book by calling us Monday to Friday on +33 (0)1 47 05 19 62 from 8.30 am to 8pm, and Saturday from 8am to 1pm, or online by clicking on the button below
The Tourville paramedical practice is located at 17, avenue de Tourville, 75007 Paris.
5 minutes from the “Invalides” station and 2 minutes from the metro stop “Ecole Militaire”.
Our practice provides functional and integrative care by combining conventional medicine and natural medicine approaches. We offer a wide range of treatments to help you achieve and maintain optimal health: individualized Osteopathy and Naturopathy sessions, focused on well-being and root-cause treatments, as well as Podiatry and Pedicure care in order to help you find a better posture or to improve your sports performance.
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 8pm
Tel: +33 (0)1 47 05 19 62
To access the practice
Métro – Ecole Militaire (line 8)
RER – Invalides (line C)
RER – Pont De l’Alma (line C)