Le Podologue du sport
The sports podiatrist is a health professional who is wholly integrated with the rest of the medical sport team (Doctor, Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Dietitian, Fitness Trainer and Coach).
The Sports Podiatrist
The sports podiatrist is a health professional who is wholly integrated with the rest of the medical sport team (Doctor, Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Dietitian, Fitness Trainer and Coach).
The Sports Podiatrist
The sports podiatrist is a health professional who is wholly integrated with the rest of the medical sport team (Doctor, Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Dietitian, Fitness Trainer and Coach). They treat athletes’ biomechanical pathologies. They study the static and dynamic disorders of the foot and the overlying associated pathologies
in order to prevent and cure issues. They act with a view to improve and enhance the stride.
When to see a sports podiatrist?
Whether you are a sports enthusiast, occasional sportsman, or top-level athlete, meeting with a sports podiatrist helps you limit and reduce potential traumas associated with your sport.
Following on from your dynamic posture analysis, they can make, if necessary, custom orthoses for you (orthopedic insoles).
Your orthopedic insoles are made and given to you just after the clinical exam, the same day.
You can meet with your podiatrist as soon as you experience pain in your feet, knees, ankles, hips or back, during or following the practice of your sport, and thus reduce the risks of deterioration.

How much does a consultation cost?
Vincent Demongeot is a certified podiatrist and a national health service practitioner.
Upon medical prescription, your orthopedic insoles are entitled to a refund through the social security system and your health insurance.
- Consultation and podiatric assessment: 30 euros.
- Pair of orthopedic insoles (plantar orthoses): from 145 euros to 160 euros.
Book Now
You can book by calling us Monday to Friday on +33 (0)1 47 05 19 62 from 8.30 am to 8pm, and Saturday from 8am to 1pm, or online by clicking on the button below